Male Submission Art

Art and visual erotica that depicts masculine submission.

We showcase beautiful imagery where men and other male-identified people are submissive subjects. We aim to challenge stereotypes of the "pathetic" submissive man. Learn moreā€¦.

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Sun Jan 4
In this painting (which I believe is intended to be Saint Sebastian) a man is ted to a tree and pierced by arrows.
Again, historical art offers a great wealth of kinky images, often highly detailed and meticulously executed. I would be curious to see if there are any more modern artists dealing with these same subjects.
Mattia Preti

In this painting (which I believe is intended to be Saint Sebastian) a man is ted to a tree and pierced by arrows.

Again, historical art offers a great wealth of kinky images, often highly detailed and meticulously executed. I would be curious to see if there are any more modern artists dealing with these same subjects.



Mattia Preti